
Promoting innovation and the adoption of evidence based best practices.

Congressional Testimony

July 19, 2023
Chief Eddie Garcia, “Public Hearing on Retroactivity,” Statement of Eddie Garcia, Chief of Police, Dallas, Texas and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the United States Sentencing Commission
February 23, 2023
Chief Kathy Lester, “Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines-Compassionate Release,”
Statement of Kathy Lester, Chief of Police, Sacramento, California, on behalf of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the United States Sentencing Commission
June 15, 2022
Chief Jeri L. Williams, “Protecting America’s Children From Gun Violence,”
Statement of Jeri L. Williams, Chief of Police, Phoenix, Arizona, and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate
June 8, 2022
Commissioner Joseph A. Gramaglia, “The Urgent Need to Address the Gun Violence Epidemic,”
Statement of Joseph A. Gramaglia, Police Commissioner, Buffalo, New York, on behalf of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Committee on Oversight and Reform, U.S. House of Representatives
May 17, 2022
Chief Orlando Rolón, “Creating a More Resilient Nation: Stakeholder Perspectives”
Statement of Orlando Rolón, Chief of Police, Orlando, Florida and Eastern Region Representative, Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, & Recovery, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives
March 31, 2022
Major Cities Chiefs Association, “Examining Civil Rights Litigation Reform, Part 1: Qualified Immunity,”
Statement for the Record, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives.
March 8, 2022
Chief Eddie Garcia, “Reimagining Public Safety in the COVID-19 Era”
Statement of Eddie Garcia, Chief of Police, Dallas, Texas, on behalf of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives
March 1, 2022
Chief Eddie Garcia “Federal Support for Preventing and Responding to Carjackings”
Statement of Eddie Garcia, Chief of Police, Dallas, Texas, on behalf of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate
October 7, 2021
MCCA President Chief Art Acevedo “20 Years After 9/11: Examining Communications Challenges”
Statement of Art Acevedo, Chief of Police, Miami, Florida, and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association, before the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, & Recovery, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives
March 23, 2021
MCCA President Chief Art Acevedo “Constitution and Common Sense Steps to Reduce Gun Violence”
Statement of Art Acevedo, Houston Chief of Police and MCCA President before the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate on March 23, 2021.
July 2020
MCCA President Chief Art Acevedo  “Respect for Law Enforcement and the Rule of Law”
Statement of Art Acevedo, Chief of Police, Houston, Texas and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association before the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice on July 22, 2020. 
June 2020
MCCA President Chief Art Acevedo  “Police Use of Force and Community Relations”
Statement of Art Acevedo, Chief of Police, Houston, Texas and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association before the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate on June 16, 2020.
February 2019
MCCA President Chief Art Acevedo  “Preventing Gun Violence: A Call to Action”

Statement of Art Acevedo, Chief of Police, Houston, Texas, and President, Major Cities Chiefs Association before the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives on February 6, 2019.

Legislative Letters


September 13, 2024
Law Enforcement Statement Expressing Concerns with Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) 

April 17, 2024
Law Enforcement Statement on House Passage of Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

April 16, 2024
MCCA Opposes H.R. 4639, Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

January 25, 2024
Undetectable Firearms Act Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter

January 24, 2024
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter


December 6, 2023
Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter

December 5, 2023
Undetectable Firearms Act Support Letter

November 20, 2023
H.R. 4246 Investing in Community Safety Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 4283 Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 6055 Schools Want Accountability for Threats (SWAT) Act Support Letter
S. 3104 Advanced Border Coordination Act Support Letter

November 7, 2023
Joint Law Enforcement and County Association Letter on MIEP Legislation

October 27, 2023
NCTC Domestic Representative Program Law Enforcement Coalition Support Letter

September 27, 2023
FY 2024 Appropriations State and Local Grant Funding Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter

September 21, 2023
MIEP Legislation Local Government Stakeholder Letter

September 12, 2023
World Trade Center Health Program Funding in NDAA Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter
S. 2566 American IDEA Act Support Letter
H.R. 2770 Prevent Family Fire Act Support Letter

August 24, 2023
H.R. 1525 FAIR Act of 2023 Law Enforcement Stakeholder Opposition Letter

August 23, 2023
S. 2567 Stop Computer Crime Proliferation Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 2061 Catalytic Converter Theft Task Force Act Support Letter

August 15, 2023
FY 24 Intelligence Reauthorization OHIC Program Stakeholder Letter

August 7, 2023
H.R. 4958/S. 2596 Kenneth P. Thompson Begin Again Act Support Letter
S. 2681/H.R. 5005 Safer Supervision Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 2313 Driving for Opportunity Act of 2023 Support Letter

July 27, 2023
S. 2644 American Law Enforcement SAVER Act Support Letter

July 18, 2023
H.R. 4639 Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act Law Enforcement Concerns Stakeholder Letter

July 13, 2023
H.R. 4632/S. 2298 National ACERT Grant Program Authorization Act Support Letter

July 10, 2023
S. 2214 FLAG Act Support Letter

June 26, 2023
H.R. 1005/S. 411 EAGLES Act of 2023 Support Letter

June 23, 2023
H.R. 4330 Ammo Identification Act of 2023 Support Letter

June 15, 2023
H.R. 4172/S. 2030 Hate Crimes Commission Act of 2023 Support Letter

June 12, 2023
S. 1631 Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 3563 STRIP Act Support Letter
H.R. 3587/S. 1728 Dark Web Interdiction Act Support Letter
H.R. 3148/S. 1507 POWER Act Support Letter

June 8, 2023
SUPPORT Act MIEP Local Government Stakeholder Letter

June 5, 2023
cUAS Authority Extension Stakeholder Letter

May 25, 2023
H.R. 612/S. 154 PART Act Support Letter

May 24, 2023
H.R. 467/S. 1141 HALT Fentanyl Act Support Letter

May 22, 2023
H.R. 3247 Aaron Salter, Jr., Responsible Body Armor Possession Act Support Letter
S. 1475 Stop Pills That Kill Act
Support Letter

May 16, 2023
S. 894 / H.R. 2548 Public Safety Officer Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Health Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 930/H.R. 1719 Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 957 Public Safety Retirees Healthcare Protection Act of 2023 Support Letter

May 15, 2023
S.459/H.R. 130 Thin Blue Line Act Support Letter
S. 1306 COPS Reauthorization Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 1530 COPS on the Beat Grant Program Parity Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 1569/H.R. 355 Back the Blue Act of 2023 Support Letter

May 12, 2023
S. 1387 Project Safe Neighborhoods Reauthorization Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 2897 End Gun Violence Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 2898 Secure Background Checks Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 2620 Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2023 Support Letter

May 11, 2023
H.R. 2983 Fresh Start Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 2722 Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 1514/H.R. 3170 HELPER Act Support Letter
S. 1247 Terry Technical Correction Act Support Letter

May 10, 2023
H.R. 2494 Police Act of 2023 Support Letter

April 27, 2023
S. 1080 Cooper Davis Act Support Letter
S. 1199 STOP CSAM Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 1207 EARN IT Act of 2023 Support Letter

April 26, 2023
S. 971 Due Process Continuity of Care and S. 1165/H.R. 2400 Reentry Act Local Government Stakeholder Letter

April 23 2023
S. 1223 Combating Violent and Dangerous Crime Act Support Letter

April 14, 2023
MCCA and NSA FirstNet Operations Letter

April 10, 2023
S. 524/H.R. 1062 EQUAL Act Support Letter

April 4, 2023
S. 993/H.R. 1839 Combating Illicit Xylazine Act Support Letter

April 3, 2023
S. 972 Filling Public Safety Vacancies Act Support Letter
S. 987 PREVENT Fentanyl Act Support Letter

March 23, 2023
FY 24 Byrne JAG Funding Stakeholder Letter

March 13, 2023
S. 499 Debbie Smith Act of 2023 Support Letter

March 10, 2023
House E&C Spectrum Policy Hearing Public Safety Next Generation 9-1-1 Coalition Letter

March 8, 2023
S. 645 Fighting PTSD Act of 2023 Support Letter
S. 154/H.R. 621 PART Act Support Letter

March 6, 2023
H.R. 743 Protect and Serve Act of 2023 Support Letter
H.R. 354 LEOSA Reform Act Support Letter

March 1, 2023
S. 25/H.R. 698 Assault Weapons Ban of 2023 Support Letter
S. 298 Keep Americans Safe Act Support Letter
S. 203/H.R. 730 Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act of 2023 Support Letter

February 28, 2023
S. 546 Recruit and Retain Act Support Letter

February 9, 2023
H.J. Res 26 Letter

January 31, 2023
S. 173/H.R. 660 Ethan’s Law Support Letter

January 26, 2023
Stakeholder Letter Urging EQUAL Act Markup

January 11, 2023
H.R. 304 SERVE Our Communities Act Support Letter


December 7, 2022
S. 3946 Abolish Human Trafficking Reauthorization Act of 2022

November 30, 2022
PSNG911 Coalition Four Corners Funding Letter

November 29, 2022
S. 3846/H.R. 8166 JMHCP Stakeholder Letter

November 28, 2022
Fentanyl Scheduling Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter

November 17, 2022
S. 10 Justice for Murder Victims Act Support Letter

November 16, 2022
S. 5103 Recruit and Retain Act Support Letter

November 15, 2022
S. 5033 Patrick Leahy and Orrin G. Hatch Justice for All Act of 2022 Support Letter
S. 4981 / H.R. 9195 Gang Activity Reporting Act of 2022 Support Letter

October 18, 2022
Stakeholder Letter on Reauthorizing cUAS Authorities

September 29, 2022
Safer Supervision Act of 2022 Support Letter

September 26, 2022
H.R. 8152 American Data Privacy and Protection Act – Law Enforcement Stakeholder Concerns

September 22, 2022
H.R. 8957 Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act Support Letter

September 21, 2022
H.R. 5455 Terry Technical Correction Act HJC Markup Letter

September 15, 2022
S. 4859 Project Safe Neighborhoods Reauthorization Act of 2022 Support Letter

September 14, 2022
World Trade Center Health Program Law enforcement Stakeholder Letters

August 15, 2022
H.R. 8460/S. 4582 AIM Act Support Letter

August 2, 2022
S. 4687 Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2022 Support Letter

July 29, 2022
S. 4278 Age 21 Act Support Letter
S. 8147 Aaron Salter Jr., Responsible Body Armor Possession Act

July 27, 2022
S. 4628 Combatting Violent and Dangerous Crime Act Support Letter

July 26, 2022
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Letter for the Record—Law Enforcement Officer Safety: Protecting Those Who Protect and Serve

July 20, 2022
H.R. 1808 Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 Markup Support Letter
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Letter for the Record—After the Highland Park Attack: Protecting Our Communities from Mass Shootings

July 13, 2022
FY 23 NDAA 1033 Amendment (#361) Opposition Letter
S. 7566 Stop Human Trafficking in School Zones Act Support Letter

July 6, 2022
S. 4436 Advanced Border Coordination Act Support Letter

June 23, 2022
H.R. 7826 Pathways to Policing Act Support Letter

June 22, 2022
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Support Letter

June 15, 2022
HJC Markup Letter VICTIM Act and Active Shooter Alert Act

June 1, 2022
MCCA Letters on Recent Gun Violence Incidents

May 19, 2022
S. 4287 COPS Parity Act of 2022 Support Letter

May 18, 2022
Senate Judiciary Committee National Police Week Markup Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter

May 16, 2022
H.R. 6394 PART Act Stakeholder Letter

May 11, 2022 
House Judiciary National Police Week Markup Letter

May 5, 2022
S. 4151 Stop Pills That Kill Support Letter

May 3, 2022
MCCA Concerns Regarding SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act

April 27, 2022
S. 4091 Overdose Review Team Act Support Letter
EQUAL Act Coalition Letter to Senate Leadership

April 7, 2022
JMHCP National Stakeholder Support Letter
H.R. 7462 EMAP Act Support Letter

April 5, 2022
S. 4003 Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022 Support Letter
H.R. 1924 Kenneth P. Thompson Begin Again Act House Judiciary Markup Letter
S. 4007 Fighting PTSD Act of 2022 Support Letter

March 31, 2022
S. 3975 VOCAA Reauthorization Act Support Letter
S. 3981 Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act Support Letter

March 15, 2022
S. 3697 Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2022 Support Letter
H.R. 6440 Safer Streets Act of 2022 Support Letter

March 7, 2022
H.R. 6768 FirstNet Reauthorization Support Letter

March 4, 2022
Four Corners EQUAL Act Stakeholder Letter

February 25, 2022
S. 3623 VAWA Reauthorization Act Support Letter

February 7, 2022
Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter on FRS Scheduling Authority

February 1, 2022
H.R. 6538 Active Shooter Alert Act Support Letter

January 31, 2022
S. 3538 EARN IT Act Support Letter

January 27, 2022
H.R. 6394 PART ACT Support Letter

January 24, 2022
Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter on FY 22 CJS Appropriations

January 12, 2022
H.R. 6375 COPS on the Beat Reauthorization and Parity Act of 2022 Support Letter


November 30, 2021
S. 2981 HELPER Act Support Letter

November 19, 2021
Build Back Better Act NG 911 Funding – PS NG 911 Coalition Letter

November 4, 2021
H.R. 5797 SERVE Our Communities Support Letter

November 1, 2021
H.R. 5768 VICTIM Act Support Letter

October 20, 2021
H.R. 5615 Homeland Security Capabilities Preservation Act Support Letter
S. 2914 Terry Technical Corrections Act Support Letter

October 5, 2021
Police Reform Negotiations Letter
Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on VAWA Letter for the Record

September 28, 2021
S. 2629-Better Cybercrime Metrics Act

September 22, 2021
Begin Again Act Markup Stakeholder Support Letter
MCCA and NDAA Amendment #534 Opposition

September 17, 2021
Endorsement of Nomination of Dr. Rahul Gupta as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

September 13, 2021
Permanent Scheduling of Fentanyl Related Substances-LE Stakeholder Letter

September 9, 2021
NG 911 Letter to President Biden-Public Safety NG 911 Coalition

September 8, 2021
Support for NG 911 Funding-NY Chiefs and Sheriffs

September 3, 2021
Request for NG 911 Funding-Public Safety NG 911 Coalition
Joint Stakeholder Letter Support S. 921 – Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila Federal Officers and Employees Protection Act

August 31, 2021
Public Safety NG 911 Coalition-NG 911 Funding Request

August 17, 2021
Reconciliation Funding NG 911 Coalition Letter

July 27, 2021
Joint Law Enforcement Association Letter to Congress re: Policing Reform Provisions in Appropriations Bill

July 23, 2021
Joint Law Enforcement Association Letter to President Biden re: Collaboration and Sharing of Information

July 21, 2021
S. 2502 Kenneth B. Thompson Begin Again Act
S. 2351/H.R. 4459 SIMSA Act of 2021
H.R. 3172 HELPER Act

July 13, 2021
Endorsement of Nomination of Sheriff Ed Gonzalez to serve as Director of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
Endorsement of Nomination of Chief Chris Magnus to serve as Director of Customs and Border Protection

July 6, 2021
Support for H.R. 3159 Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2021

July 2, 2021
Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter – FY 2022 Forensic Science Appropriations

June 30, 2021
Stakeholder Support Letter – S. 285 Medicaid Reentry Act

June 22, 2021
EQUAL Act SJC Hearing Letter

June 18, 2021
S. 2449 Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2021

June 11, 2021
Support for HR 3252 FFL Protection Act

May 24, 2021
Support for S. 1801, H.R. 3536 Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act of 2021

May 13, 2021
S. 1502, COPS Counseling Act
Support for H.R. 2839, Bipartisan Border Solutions Act
Support for H.R. 3079, Protect and Serve Act

May 10, 2021
Endorsement of Ron Davis for USMS Director

April 26, 2021
Bipartisan Border Solutions Act (S. 1358)
EQUAL Act (S. 79 / H.R. 1693)
Ethan’s Law (S. 190)
Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act (S. 763)

April 21, 2021
Stakeholder Letter in Support of FY 2022 Byrne JAG Funding

April 19, 2021
Law Enforcement Stakeholder Letter in Support of Extending the Temporary Scheduling of Fentanyl

April 13, 2021
Support for H.R. 2466, Law Enforcement Protection Act

March 25, 2021
Driving for Opportunity Act of 2021

March 22, 2021
Support for NG 911 Provisions in LIFT America Act

March 22, 2021
Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act

March 19, 2021
Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act

March 15, 2021
Protect and Serve Act of 2021

March 12, 2021
NG 911 Act in LIFT America Act

March 5, 2021
H.R. 8 Bipartisan Background Checks Act _ S.B. 529 Background Check Expansion Act

March 4, 2021
Stakeholder Letter – Support for VOCA Deposits Fix

January 29, 2021
Public Safety Stakeholders-DHS NG911 Interoperability Testing Program

January 18, 2021
MCCA Response to House Oversight and Government Reform re Capitol Attack



December 12, 2020
LE Stakeholders – S 2174, Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains Act

December 4, 2020
Support for Including VOCA Deposits Fix in FY 21 Appropriations

October 13, 2020
Stakeholder Letter – Inclusion of T-Band in FY 21 Appropriations

September 29, 2020
LE Stakeholders – HR 5227, Technology in Criminal Justice Act of 2019 Concerns

September 28, 2020
EO 13929 Standards for Certification on Safe Policing for Communities

September 23, 2020
S 4612 Methamphetamine Response Act

September 21, 2020
Public Safety Stakeholders – Opposition to FCC 4.9 GHz Decision

July 28, 2020
MCCA and MCSA, HR 7617 Facial Recognition Amendments Opposition

July 21, 2020
Stakeholder Letter – Inclusion of T-Band in COVID Legislation 3

July 1, 2020
S 4186 Driving for Opportunity Act

June 3, 2020
POTUS Meeting Request, Police Reform

June 2, 2020
S 4051 Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act

May 22, 2020
HR 6414, COVID-19 Correctional Facility Emergency Response Act Concerns

May 11, 2020
S 3607 Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act of 2020

May 9, 2020
MCCA and USCM, Need for Fiscal Assistance for Cities

April 24, 2020
COVID-19 Priorities, POTUS

April 23, 2020
COVID-19 Priorities, Congress

April 16, 2020
First Responder Resiliency Act Inclusion in COVID Legislation

April 14, 2020
Inclusion of T-Band in COVID Legislation 2

March 25, 2020
HR 3735 Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection Act

March 22, 2020
Stakeholder Letter, COVID-19 First Responder Needs and Challenges

March 21, 2020
PS NG911 Coalition, NG911 Progress Update

March 20, 2020
ONDCP Letter

March 18, 2020
Inclusion of T-Band in COVID Legislation 1

March 16, 2020
S 3398 EARN It Act

March 9, 2020
HR 2179 Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act

February 14, 2020
HR 6003 First Responder Resiliency Act of 2020

February 7, 2020
HR 8 Anniversary Letter

January 24, 2020
LE Stakeholders, S 3201 Fentanyl Scheduling

January 23, 2020
S 400 Blocking Deadline Fentanyl Imports Act

January 22, 2020
S 3201 Temporary Reauthorization and Study of the Emergency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act

January 21, 2020
FY 21 Byrne JAG Funding

January 17, 2020
HR 1156 LEOSA Reform Act



December 4, 2019
LE Stakeholders – Project Guardian

September 20, 2019
HR 2378 Kerrie Orozco First Responders Family Support Act

September 11, 2019
S 954 POWER Act

August 30, 2019
S 2376 Stop Illegal Trafficking Firearms Act

August 12, 2019
Gun Violence Letter to Senate and White House

August 6, 2019
Support for Gun Violence Legislation

July 22, 2019
Stakeholder Letter, S1170 and HR 3180 RISE from Trauma Act

July 2, 2019
HR 1236 Extreme Risk Protection Act of 2019

June 24, 2019
Public Safety Stakeholders – HR 451 Support

June 24, 2019
HR 451 Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act of 2019

May 25, 2019
Support for Red Flag Legislation – House Judiciary

May 4, 2019
HR 1595 SAFE Banking Act of 2019 Opposition

May 2, 2019
S 875 and HR 1671 NICS Denial Notification Act – Senate

May 2, 2019
S 875 and HR 1671 NICS Denial Notification Act – House of Representatives

April 30, 2019
Opposition to HIDTA and Drug Free School Transfer

April 30, 2019
Opposition to CRS Restructuring

April 20, 2019
S 1028 STATES Act-Opposition

April 15, 2019
Support for BVP Grant Program

April 15, 2019
Support for Bipartisan VAWA Reauthorization

April 15, 2019
HR 435 National Gun Violence Research Act

April 12, 2019
First Step Act Chiefs Recommendations

March 25, 2019
Support for Red Flag Legislation

March 18, 2019
HR 1325 Protect and Serve Act

March 15, 2019
HR 1297 Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2019

February 27, 2019
HR 1112 Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019 – Rep. Clyburn

February 26, 2019
HR 1112 Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019 – House Judiciary

February 8, 2019
S 820 Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019

February 8, 2019
HR 8 Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019


December 15, 2018
MCCA, NSA, MCSA – Revised First Step Act Concerns 3

December 4, 2018
MCCA, NSA, MCSA – Revised First Step Act Concerns 2

November 30, 2018
BWC Use of Task Forces

November 29, 2018
MCCA, NSA, MCCA – DOJ First Step Revisions

November 29, 2018
MCCA, MCSA – First Step Legislation Letter – White House

November 15, 2018
MCCA, NSA, MCSA – Revised First Step Act Concerns 1

November 2, 2018
MCCA, MCSA – First Step Questions – White House

September 28, 2018
S 2836 Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018

September 6, 2018
HR 5871 and S 2763 POWER Act

July 25, 2018
S 1885 AV START Act Opposition

June 18, 2018
Opposition to HIDTA – DEA Transfer

June 18, 2018
Opposition to COPS Office Relocation

June 16, 2018
FY 2019 Appropriations Marijuana Banking Access Amendments Opposition

June 4, 2018
S 2974 Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act

March 19, 2018
HR 2598 Gun Violence Restraining Order Act of 2017

March 15, 2018
S 1212 Gun Violence Restraining Order Act of 2017

March 12, 2018
HR 4909 STOP School Violence Act of 2018

March 9, 2018
S 2095 Assault Weapons Ban of 2017

March 7, 2018
S 2492 NICS Denial Notification Act of 2018

February 22, 2018
CLOUD Act of 2018

February 9, 2018
HR 4854 Justice Served Act of 2018

February 8, 2018
National State Local Stakeholders – Support for Byrne JAG

February 6, 2018
S 2429 PROTECT Act of 2018

February 1, 2018
S 2262 Counterterrorism Advisory Board Act of 2017

February 1, 2018
S 1693 Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017

February 1, 2018
HR 3458 MICRO Act

January 19, 2018
DNA Cold Case Act of 2018, Senate

January 18, 2018
Support for Mental Health Funding

January 3, 2018
NICS Prohibited Purchaser Fugitive Definition

Press Releases and Statements

May 2, 2024
MCCA Policy Recommendation: Review of Body-Worn Camera Footage by Officers Following Critical Incidents

January 26, 2024
MCCA Response to New Amazon Ring Policy

January 23, 2024
MCCA Announces Partnership with BGR Group

January 27, 2023
MCCA Statement on the Death of Tyre Nichols

August 5, 2022
MCCA Releases Crime and Gun Violence Reports

February 10, 2022
MCCA Releases Violent Crime Report

November 12, 2021
MCCA Announces Board Election Results

October 15, 2021
MCCA Statement on Art Acevedo

September 22, 2021
MCCA Responds to Police Reform Impasse

May 6, 2021
MCCA Statement on Qualified Immunity Reform

March 19, 2021
MCCA Hires Director of Special Projects

March 4, 2021
Game Changer and MCCA Partnership

February 19, 2021
MCCA Open Letter Extremist Ideology

February 4, 2021
Keeping Mayors Safe: The Case for Providing Security

January 18, 2021
MCCA Response to House Oversight and Reform regarding Capitol Attack

January 6, 2021
MCCA Statement on Today’s Events at the U.S. Capitol

October 2020
MCCA Annual Conference Leads to Renewed Calls for Action

July 2020
Chiefs Address Federal Involvement in Major Cities 

June 2020
MCCA Calls for Informed Approach to Reform

June 2020
MCCA Members Pen Open Letter

May 2020
MCCA Statement on the Death of George Floyd

May 2020
US Conference of Mayors and MCCA Request Fiscal Assistance To Address Financial Toll on City Budgets Due to COVID-19 

March 2020
County Executives, Mayors, Sheriffs and Police Chiefs request meeting with President Trump to discuss current obstacles and anticipated challenges facing the entire first responder community. 

March 2020
Public Safety Organizations Support President to Open Resources for All COVID-19 Affected Areas

August 2019
MCCA Board Selects Laura J. Cooper as Executive Director 

May 2019
Major Cities Chiefs Form Immigration Working Group 

Publications and Reports

MCCA Releases Its Second Futurist Initiative Resource: Volume 2 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

MCCA Releases Its First Futurist Initiative Resource: Volume 1 Artificial Intelligence

MCCA and COPS Office Report – Strategic Communications for Law Enforcement Executives

MCCA and COPS Office Report – Branding for Police Agencies

MCCA Report on Automated License Plate Reader Technology in Law Enforcement – Recommendations and Considerations

MCCA Report on the State of Gun Violence in America’s Major Cities

MCCA Report on Facial Recognition Technology in Modern Policing – Recommendations and Considerations

MCCA Report on Law Enforcement Response to First Amendment Assemblies: Best Practices and Tactics
After the October 2020 MCCA Annual Meeting, a working group was established to discuss protests and prepare a report to inform conversations within the profession, with elected officials and with community members. The report complements the 2020 Protest and Civil Unrest report mentioned below.

MCCA Police Reform Working Group Report
During the MCCA Annual Meeting in October 2020, a working group was established to update the MCCA’s Police Reform Principles that were issued in June. Working group members participated in weekly calls to review and edit the existing principles in coordination with the Legislative Committee.

MCCA Report on the 2020 Protest and Civil Unrest
The MCCA Intelligence Commanders Group (ICG) conducted an after-action review focused on this summer’s protests and civil unrest. From May 25 to July 31, 2020, 8,700 total protest events occurred in 68 major cities and counties. This level of activity was unprecedented and while the majority of protests were lawful and peaceful, 79 percent of reporting agencies experienced at least one protest that involved some level of violence and in cities where violence did occur, assaults on officers, looting and arson were the most common criminal activities.

2020 Threat Review and Prioritization (TRP) Report
For MCCA member agencies, core policing confirms continued to comprise the top issues and violent crime with firearms overwhelmingly remained the number one ranked issue.

Public/Private Partnership Project: Creating a Roadmap for Effective Collaboration Between Local Law Enforcement Executives & Corporate Chief Security Officers
In partnership with the Target Corporation, MCCA completed the Public/Private Partnership Project, which provides a framework for establishing and sustaining “strategic” relationships between local law enforcement and corporate entities that can be relied on to help refine overarching public safety priorities, prepare for and respond to critical events, and collaborate as allies in the creation and implementation of local public safety initiatives.

Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide
Developed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Major Cities Chiefs Association, this guide is intended to identify the critical elements of violent crime reduction efforts and to put before the law enforcement community a sample of the remarkable array of programs, services, and assistance available from the U.S. Department of Justice. This guide recognizes the complex challenges confronting today’s law enforcement executives and offers ideas on how to approach the extraordinarily difficult problem of developing effective tactics and strategies to deal with those challenges.

The MCCA report regarding Independent Investigations of Officer Involved Shootings in now available. The research was supported by the COPS Office and led by Professor Joe Kuhns from the University of North Carolina Charlotte. The report provides insight on officer involved shooting investigative practices in major cities in the United States and Canada.

Civilian Oversight of the Police in Major Cities 
Civilian oversight of the police has been a topic of discussion and debate since the 1960s. The debate generally surfaces i communities where there has been a high-profile incident in which a member of the community has been injured or killed during an encounter with the police. The MCCA research was led by Darrel W. Stephens and Ellen Scrivner and sought to improve understanding of civilian oversight agencies and the challenges of implementation.